Wednesday, November 7, 2007

OK, I watch Dancing With The Stars!

The other day on our morning show, My partner Shannon said these words when we were having a discussion with another member of our show, Tony. "I don't watch the show, but I know you boys do, so I'll just listen to what you have to say" Shannon was referring to Dancing With The Stars. It got me thinking. Is it OK for me to watch this show? Tony too? And the answer is........I think so!

I am the first to admit, I am not a huge network TV guy. Few shows grab and hold my interest. For some strange reason, DWTS does. After Shannon uttered these now famous, thought provoking words I have been searching for the answer. I may have found some.

First of all, it's on at 8pm. A must for a morning show host. It also has great live music from a real band. Three judges that I kind of like, a host that doesn't make me want to cuss, and the fact that the eventual winner, only wins a cheesy glass trophy. Good start!

I can hardly listen to host Tom Bergeron on the AFV show, he does make me want to cuss there, but for some reason he works on this show. Len, Carrie Ann, and Bruno are just different enough to be entertaining. Yea, I know, I'm watching a bunch of "celebrities" that would rather be starring in their own movies, shows, or concert tours, but I'm good with the fact that this is where they've landed, and I find myself cheering for them, or wanting them out.

There is a feel good factor to DWTS that doesn't exist in many other similar shows on TV. No underhandedness, of skulduggery. That is refreshing too. My bride Stacy loves the show, and it makes her happy watch it with me. Special bonus points there as well. I used to fight her on it, but I've seen the light. Plus if there's a Monday Night Football game I want to see, I only miss the first few boring minutes. And then she's much more willing to watch some of the game with me. Bonus again!

We also should not forget the costume factor as well. If you've watched the show, I'm sure you are just as baffled as I am, on how these dresses actually stay on the whole time. No one looks as good as they do dancing. One trip to your local dance club will confirm that! Sheesh!

Do I watch DWTS? I know who Edyta is, Cheryl, Maxim, and Kim too. I know that Sabrina Bryan is a Cheatah Girl, and got the shaft by getting voted out last week. I was there when Marie Osmond fainted fanny first towards the camera, and when the country finally had enough of Jane Seymours "claaaaasss' and sent her packing back to the UK. I know that Samantha Harris should NOT be allowed to talk on this show, or any other show. And I'm going to be there next week, when they try to pile all of that womanhood that is Mel B into another dress that is 3 sizes too small . Plus I'm hoping one of these weeks I'm actually going to be able to understand a complete sentence that Bruno says. See what you're missing?? DWTS is fun, challenging, straight forward, honest, faced paced, sexy, and the whole family can watch too!

I thank Shannon for posing those words of inspiration. I have faced my fascination head on and have decided, fear not Dancing With The Stars! 20 million a week can't be wrong. But please, send Marie Osmond home for pity sakes!

1 comment:

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

I watch this show with my wife. It is a fine show and even has had a few surprise vote offs this year. It is a fun show with good dancing and has a great celebrity appeal.

Sometimes the votes are based on if you like the person more then the dancing.