Sunday, May 20, 2012

MOVIE REVIEW - What To Expect When You're Expecting

Right up front. There is bad, worse, horrible, then there's What To Expect When You're Expecting.

This is based on a very successful book of the same name that many people loved./ As it looked at couples having children from all angles, good bad joyous and heartbreaking. The movie has been adapted to be the same. Trouble is, book is good. Movie is embarrassing. This is in the same formula as New Years Eve, and Valentines Day. You know, where they jam tons of mid-level stars into a movie with tons of separate plots, and try to mold them into one. Both of those movies stunk abundantly and so does this.

This is a great example of how important that writing really is. The plot, dialogue and and over all scenarios are so bad, you are almost embarrassed for the actors who somehow have to spew this drivel out of their mouths and into our ears. But before you feel too sorry for them, all of these successful actors could say "no" to this kind of junk. But they don't. And that's on them. Now that the writers and movie makers have been trashed, we move on.

Cameron Diaz is proving more every movie that her best days are 15 years behind her. As good of work as she has done, she's over now. She is beyond bad here. Jennifer Lopez has a nothing role that wasn't even necessary in this movie, too bad for her. The red-hot Elizabeth Banks right now, was given "the lead" here, and the part they wrote for her was deplorable. And as many times as they asked her to do a lot with a little - she couldn't. Dennis Quaid jumped on this train and further destroyed his legacy. Even the line of hunky-young men stars they rolled out choked on the script. There are plenty more actors that you know here, and no one shines at all. The lone bright spot, Chris Rock. Pretty funny in a limited role and minimal screen time.

Not even the enchanting, and lovely Anna Kendrick could work magic here. She was so great in Up In the Air (Oscar Nomination), and 50/50, and it's a shame that she got tangled up in this bit of quicksand. The difference between her and the aforementioned, she went down feet first, while the others went down head first.

I saw this movie in a full theater, and it was silent. You could tell that people wanted to laugh, and did mildly a few times, but overall I think people kept getting more disappointed as time just drug on. Big expectations many times are a tough thing. You see the trailers, and you see the commercials, and then you see the movie, and it's stinks. They really need to stop this horrible formula of tons of stars and no script. It's embarrassing for all, and waste of time for others spending money to go.

What To Expect When You're Expecting. Worst movie of the year thus far.

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