Sunday, June 22, 2014

DVD - New This Week Streaming and DVD

This week there is a small list of new choices on DVD or streaming services.  But again, there is something for everyone.  The summer is here, and the box office is so big right now, there are not a lot of new choices on your service. So this is a good chance to get caught up on movies you have missed.

Keep in mind, we only feature major motion pictures here, and not straight to DVD, or TV shows just now coming to TV.  Where applicable, I will link you back to my original movie review from the theater run to help you make a informed choice before you rent, buy, or hit buy on your remote.

New This Week

A Winter Tale

A mid winter romance about time travel, and ponders the question, is love prearranged or is luck.  Nice cast, and a nice movie.

300: Rise of an Empire

The next Installment of this sort of movie, sort of video game, sort of animated action movie, a long time coming and in the making.

The Lego Movie

This was huge, and everyone seemed to love this from last winter

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