Monday, July 29, 2019

BLOG #14


I would like to thank the amazing people at Habitat For Humanity of Summit County and their incredible Home-In-One Golf Outing.   I have been the Honorary Chair for this outing for about 10 years, and it's an real honor for me.

I am a real believer in the mission that Habitat has, and the services they provide. This is something you should really take a few minutes and see how you can possibly benefit.

The home of this outing is the Hudson Country Club and they do a very nice job and make us all feel welcome.

See what Habitat can do for you!  Proud to be their voice!


When I was a kid, the ice cream truck came around, and I generally got a Popsicle.   Cheap, easy, and what my mom said I could get.  The "Bomb Pop Kids" were rollin' high with their red, white and blue deliciousness, and I was stuck with the one flavor wooden stick.

Then there were the "Two Stick Kids." They got the ones with two sticks, and although they generally were a sticky, red mess with the summer sun roasting their two sticks of sugar like marshmallows over the campfire.  And there I was with the single stick 'sicle and some childhood jealousy.

And last week, I had my first popsicle in about 30 years on a 90 degree day.  Guess what? Single stick, cherry.   And I was good with it, as much as things can  change, some stay the same.


This week there is one major release, and sadly for some it is not an original yet again.   We are clearly in the era of no new ideas, so I give you Shaw And Hobbs.  Two late added characters to the Fast And Furious franchise.  This stars The Rock and Jason Statham.

These two don't seem to care for each other, and now they bring their wise-cracking action movie vibe to the big screen this week.  Yes, this will find an following, and it is an alternative to the animated, Disney, and Superhero choices out there now, it just would be great to see something original at some point.

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