Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Sleeping Dog

I love dogs. I have an Australian Cattle Dog named Kona and she deserves this blog. She's getting old and not as spry as she once was. But she's healthy, and as it turns out she is pretty darn good company. There's probably a Kona in your life.

Because of the strange schedule I keep doing the WQMX Morning show with my partner Sue Wilson, I am off work when most people in my life are still at work. This has been my schedule for almost 30 years now. There's things about it I really like. No rush hour, either way. I can shop and run errands when no one else does during the day. And of course, I can have the course to myself on days when I want to play some midweek golf. All nice perks.

But I have to admit, there are days and times that it's just me. Lots of times. And it can get lonely once in a while. And those are the days I'm glad that Kona is around to keep me company. We rescued Kona about 9 years ago from a local animal shelter. Someone had chained her up to a backstop in the Metro Parks and left her there. The Rangers found her at 3am one night, and turned her in. A few days later we adopted her. That has turned out to be a good move.

Kona has been a great dog, Sometimes you almost forget she's around she's so quiet and gentle. She loves to sleep. She's sleeping right now, under the desk that I am typing this article on. When I come home during the day, she's thrilled I'm here. After a nice greeting, we go outside, play a bit, and then go on with our day. I come in and sit at my desk in my home office and pay bills, or make calls, do show prep or write something. That's my job. And Kona sleeps at my feet..that's her job. And she's good at it. Kona wakes up from a good sleep so she can take another nap!

Occasionally she sticks her snout up on my lap to remind me she's there and asks for a head pat. She gets it. If I get a snack, she gets one too. A drink on the porch? She gets one too. When I have a cigar - well no. What Kona seemingly does best, is just spend time with me, and keep me company. Probably all she wants after the whole backstop ordeal. I have always believed dogs get that whole second chance thing better than we do. Sometimes we could all use a good refresher course in that.

She's just good medicine. Of course there is the occasional garbage can dump, and the jumping up on the couch and sleeping there during the day. Both expressly verboten at the house, but it's a small price to pay for all the good things she is and does. She's a good pooch, and friend.

The first thing you know the day you get a dog is, you'll be around longer than they will. They don't know that, and they still treasure every day anyway. Most of us don't learn that till much later in life.

Truth be told, I don't even know how old Kona really is. But I know this. She is getting closer now to the end than the beginning. I have learned to look the other way, and give her a break more often now for the minor transgressions she occasionally commits. To be more giving and forgiving.

Who would think so much could be taught, from a sleeping dog.

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