Saturday, January 7, 2012

MOVIE REVIEW - The Devil Inside

New this week, and ripping everybody off is the new docu-drama, demonic possession flick, The Devil Inside. I'm going to be up front. I am going to rip this movie to shreds.

This filmed in the same way Paranormal Activity is. You know, point of view, third person holding the camera. Lot's of really gullible people thinking this is real. Who these people are that think this are amazing to me. And after you sit through the vomitus 75 minutes of garbage, it ends up being a movie commercial for a website. Just like Apollo 18 did. Again, this is a commercial for a website. There is resolution here. I don't care about a spoiler alert here.

There have been tons of demonic possession movies made throughout the years. Many of them quite good. With compelling stories, characters, good actors and a plot. Not this one. TDI is simply an excuse for young film makers to make movies for young adults, that destroy the envelope of any kind of decency, or taste. I'm sure their mothers are so proud.

In this heap of junk, you have to watch things that are so utterly distasteful it amazes me that someone really thinks this stuff up. Nothing wrong with jolting, scary or envelope pushing, but shredding the envelope because you can doesn't make your point. It shows your complete immaturity as a person, and a film maker. But, sadly...cha-ching.

I know, we've become desensitized to this stuff, and we can see worse on TV at home. To me that's a cop out. Let me ask you. Do you want to pay 10 bucks to go in and see an actor playing a young priest in Rome, try to forcefully drown a newborn baby during a baptism in church? I didn't think so. But you will if you go. I'm not going to listen to the desensitizing argument here. That is just bad taste squared, and horrific judgment to the third power.

Theater goers should be completely offended that this and many other totally disgusting decisions are made here. And besides the terrible decisions, there is not one ounce of originality. And it's all for naught. Because there is no point, no story, and the ending had the entire theater I was in angry. A commercial for a website is the payoff. And I hate to break it to's not real or true.

The Devil Inside. Already on my list of the worst movies of 2012. Or any other year. Save your money.

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