Thursday, July 26, 2012

MOVIE REVIEW - The Dark Knight Rises

Well the summers big blockbuster Batman's Dark Knight Rises is in theaters this week. This is supposedly the final in this series of Batman flicks, but don't believe it. There's simply too much money to be made in the future.

DKR is again a very dark, and almost disturbing story of Batman, and his relationship with Gotham City, and his attempt to save it. To be honest, you have to have seen the first two in this particular trilogy to understand all that is going on. And there is plenty going on. This very well written story takes us through Batman's life in these movies, and pretty much brings full circle the ramifications of all of Batman's decisions in the first two. This is a very complicated, political, and statement making script that quite frankly is very adult. And it is far too difficult to understand in writing here, but if you are up on this series, you will jump right in and hang on.

This movie is so deep, and woven, that young kids will not get it. It's just too intense, and complicated for a child to comprehend. And some of this is very intense and very dark and borderline disturbing. In this, they bring to life and develop a great villain, Bain (Tom Hardy.) Hardy is fantastic as the physically imposing, highly intelligent, and scary terrorist who has brought his wrath down on Gotham. Can Batman save Gotham from a long planned invasion? And will Batman go down in history with the people of Gotham as a hero or villain? His eternal question.

Christian Bale is back again as Batman, and probably gives the best performance of the three he has made. Although, he spends more time as Bruce Wayne rather than Batman here, and that is one of the movies weak links. Anne Hathaway is new here as Catwoman, and the regulars Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, and Micheal Caine are back again and all give nice performances.

This is a big movie. Everything about this is big. Big music, big effects, sets, costumes, sound the whole thing. This cann be said that this is almost an experience rather than a movie. But pull back all the wrapping paper, and that's what it is... a movie. It is long at 2:50, but it moves along well. This is a big hit with Batman fans, and it does live up to the hype as best it can. Even though for me, there was far too much Bruce Wayne and not enough Batman begin Batman, and that was hard to get past.

The Dark Knight Rises. Moments of average, good, great and brilliant, all about evenly matched. Very good summer movie escape.

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