Tuesday, August 28, 2012

MOVIE REVIEW - Premium Rush

There's a lot to like with the new Premium Rush, this week. Too bad no one went to see this.

This is the new Joseph Gordon-Levitt flick that showcases the bicycle delivery guys and girls who ride in terrible New York City traffic every single day. Now of course the riding, action and overall feel is completely embellished here, but it does make for interesting movie making. Right up front, this movie get points from me because it's a story you've never seen before, told this way. What I'm saying is, there are not many bike delivery movies being made in Hollywood these days.

JGL stars as Wilee (as in coyote, yes). He is in his 20's and seemingly has a death wish as he rides the streets of NYC recklessly with no brakes on his bike being a courier, making sure that everyone gets their packages on time. He is a former trick bike rider, and that gives him a real advantage on the streets. He is romantically involved with Vanessa (Dania Ramirez) who also works for the same service. One day he picks up a harmless envelope that makes him the target of a maniacal guy Bobby (Michael Shannon) who will stop at nothing to get this envelope back. But why? And who is this crazy clown?

The wild chase begins throughout NYC, and so many people get involved, you do actually become obsessed to know what is in Wilee's bag. Company policy prevents him from giving it up, so the chase begins. And with Vanessa's help will Wilee not only deliver the package, but will he stay alive? That is Premium Rush.

Sound a bit silly? It sort of is. But, this movie really is pretty exciting. It is very well filmed with a real point of action camera putting you right on the bike and weaving in and out of big city traffic. They continue to find new angles, and new points from the cameras view to keep this fresh, and that's good movie making technically. Tons of near misses of course, but more importantly, it's overall well done. There is a bunch of bike riding here, but for some reason you don't get tired of it. It stays fresh, and fun. This movie does have a nice sense of humor at times, and is graphic at times. But there is no real violence.

There are no real "performances" in this movie. It's basically all action all movie long. And that's OK. The bulk of this story takes place in NYC traffic, and that's where the movie stays focused. It is almost shot in "real time" as the length of time elapsed in the films story, is roughly the same as real time. That's kind of cool too. This story moves right along, and keeps you entertained the whole time.

Premium Rush. It's not brilliant, but it's young and fun. It speaks to a BMX kind of crowd and they need movies too. A good time to go somewhere you've never gone before. On a 40mph bike with no brakes in New York City traffic.

1 comment:

Dan O. said...

Nothing new that we haven’t seen or heard before, but it still has some fun with itself, even if the writing really takes away from it. Nice review Scott.