Saturday, June 22, 2013


That gigantic thud you just heard outside was not a zombie attack, it was the movie about the zombie apocalypse, World War Z.

Is this all there is?  Seriously.  WWZ was in the making for years and the expectations were high, and it is hard to believe that after all hype this is all we get.  Brad Pitt stars as an ex-United Nations agent who is brought back into the fold, leaving his family behind and jets off to try to save the world from the millions of Zombies that are destroying the world and killing off billions.  As huge as the zombie craze is right now on numerous cable TV shows, my gut feeling is that you will get far more compelling content there, than you will here for 10-15 dollars a ticket.

There really is no plot here other than zombies are eating up the worlds population, and they have to be stopped.   This movie looks more like an excuse for Brad Pitt, cast and crew to go on an excellent adventure all over the world on a professional business trip and shoot a little footage.  It attempts to, well, I really don't know what it attempts to do other than nothing.   This has its share of zombies eating everyone, and doing amazingly non-human things, but if you've seen the preview for this, you have seen everything, and I mean everything this has to offer.  There is nothing more, so you can save your cash and watch the YouTube Trailer.

It is staggering to me that producers can't see they have a dog on their hands, but still trudge on.  This movie though will cash in to a degree with zombie fanatics who again, will love this movie simply because it exists.   But there was a tremendous feeling for me that this was a big 200 million dollar nothing.   And for Pitt, this is light years from Moneyball, where he snagged an Oscar nomination and should have won.  

WWZ has nothing new, original, or compelling to it.   You will more than likely be underwhelmed by its story,  special effects, and its extraordinarily horrible, non-climactic ending. Sadly, they are setting this up for more to be made.  I guess it will depend on the cash it does or does not rake in.  

World War Z.   Even for hard core zombie fans, this will have nothing new for you at all except more zombies.  This looks years late to the party. 

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