Monday, July 1, 2013


In very limited release is the new Domestic Eco-Terrorist movie The East.   

This is a very interesting look at the extreme, and I do mean extreme environmental groups that potentially could wreak havoc on us all.   Should be noted that this does not frame the average environmentally aware groups.  This is the extreme...of the extreme.

The East is the story of a young undercover agent named Sarah who works deep undercover for a private security firm that works in conjunction with the FBI, to protect large clients from this kind of domestic terrorism.   And make no mistake, in this movie this group are terrorists.  Sarah goes double deep inside The East to try to break them up and thwart their latest "jams"  (jobs).   The East is a group of about 10 young adults in their early 20's.  Most of them are from privileged backgrounds on the east coast, and are voluntary Ivy League College drop-outs.  They form The East to seek revenge against large companies, like drug and energy companies.  But it's not like they want to do physical damage.  This group is bent on killing, kidnapping, and terrorizing those companies into submission.

They are a serious cult that has seemingly lost all real perspective of the original mission.  They are extreme in every regard.  They are also well organized.  So can Sarah bring this group all the way down, or will she start to buy into the message The East has to offer?   She is amazingly conflicted, and this mission is compromising her personal, and professional life.  It's getting to her.   Is she up for this job, or is she really one of them in disguise?  That is The East.

This is not light movie making to say the least.  This is heavy drama, and is borderline uncomfortable at times.   Without question, the group have legitimate concerns, but it is hard to really embrace their methods.  This is light years away from graffiti and vandalism.   They want death, and sometimes worse fates for those who are undeniably breaking the law, or lying to the public.   But they are extreme, and want and eye for an eye...period.   This groups passion does risk it all for what they believe.  

This movie though as provocative as portions of it are, is rather predictable.   If you are watching, you kind of know where this is eventually going.  This movie reeks of thinking it is way smarter than you and it's not.  It also dies on the vine at the end, and gives up begin compelling, for being convenient.  And ironically, this movie about a bunch of young and idealistic kids willing to risk it all for a dream, are featured in a movie that is not willing to do the same.  It becomes mundane and ho-hummy at the end.

The East.   Few will see this, and few will come away with any sense of resolution.  In fact, for a movie made about kids trying to make a difference, this movie does not.

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