Monday, September 16, 2013

MOVIE REVIEW - Insidious 2

Here comes the second installment of the Insidious series, this is Insidious 2.

As I remember, the original was not horrible.  I remember it having a jolt or two, and a somewhat unique story line for a "scary" movie.   In short, this family is terrorized by some entity, and the professionals hired to chase the spirit out by crossing over into "The Further".  Some place beyond this life, where things can be manipulated to make things better in this world.  OK, not Gone With The Wind  I get it.  This movie is more of the same, but it does supply us with a few more answers, and poses more questions, setting up the next one.

But I have to ask one simple question about his movie.  Is it over yet?  Make this stop!  My gosh, if ever there was a movie like this that wore out it's welcome, it's this one. This movie really does nothing for a whole lot of the first hour, then they decide to give it to you for the last 40 minutes or so.  And holy cow, was I ready for this thing to end.   The crescendo goes on and on and  Enough!  I was totally bored with the elongated finish.

I was completely disinterested at that stage of the game, and I think anyone over the age of 17 will be too.  This is clearly targeted at a young audience that is easily scared and jolted. In fact, you'll  have  a tough time finding any movie made these days, not made totally for 19 year old's and this is one.  And in this instance it's OK.   I always respect a movie that knows its target and makes a movie that is appropriate for them, without pushing it too far.

This is not offensive in any regard, the language is tame, and there is no real violence that is too much to handle.  So for it's target, this is probably right on target.   It did bring in 41 million in the first week, so the thing is paid for already and that's well done for the filmmaker. 

Insidious 2.  Big hit so far, but make it stop!

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