Saturday, October 26, 2013

MOVIE REVIEW - Bad Grandpa

Johnny Knoxville and his Jackass Troupe are back, with their new reality comedy, Bad Grandpa is new this week.

This is filmed in the Borat style.   Where Knoxville is dressed up as an 80 year old terrible grandfather traveling around the country with his 8 year old grandson.  They stop in various cities along the way, (including Cleveland where some of this was filmed)  and stage various shocking scenario's, looking for the honest reactions of innocent people.  There isn't much plot to it, you've kind of heard the entire thing.  And being fair, as tasteless as this is at times, there are some pretty funny moments in it. And some other guilty pleasure laughs.

It's kind of Borat meets Jackass the TV show.   One thing should be made clear right up front, this movie, although with some objectionable moments, this is not near the mean-spirited plan that Borat was.  Borat had an definite agenda.  Borat seemingly was designed and made to offend, denigrate, and demean certain groups of people that were contrary to the producers agenda.  This is far more tame.

Certainly there are some groups here that are targeted but it is done with a far more "joke is on you" style opposed to a viscous style.   This movie even goes so far as to show the aftermath of all of these groups during the closing credits that showcase that many who were duped, all took it with great fun.

Be aware too, that you're seeing tons to TV commercials for this movie, and you're seeing a sanitized minute or so.  This is every bit of an R rating.  I admit, there are some funny moments here.  Also kudos to them for the amazing, and I mean amazing makeup job on Knoxville.   He doesn't look 80 as they claim, but he does look quite old and believable and nothing like himself at all.   He also did a terrific voice that was spot on fore this character.  You would never recognize him in any way.  That of course was the central thing that had to be gotten right and it was. 

Bad Grandpa.  Incorrect and over the edge?  Yes.  Vile and mean spirited?  No.   Sort of a "let's forget we're adults for few minutes" feel to it.

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