Monday, November 18, 2013

MOVIE REVIEW - The Best Man Holiday

It's been about 15 years since the majority of this cast has reunited for the next chapter of their brand of comedy, this is The Best Man Holiday.  

This cast led by Terrence Howard, Taye Diggs, and Nia Long in movie that frankly has a difficult time deciding exactly what it wants to be.  This also suffers from being entirely too long and would have been far better served by cutting off about 30 minutes.   But timing is everything sometimes. This was released at the exact perfect time, and had a huge opening weekend.

This is the story of about 10 friends, all in their prime years, and all wildly successful living in New York City.  They all decide to meet up at the mansion of the professional football player of the bunch to spend a week together at Christmas time.  All of our characters have a tremendous amount of drama swirling around themselves, and in some cases among each other.  They all have a history alone and with each other, so can they all get along and patch up the differences between them and continue on?  That is The Best Man Holiday.   And I still don't understand the title completely.

This movie really has an identity crisis.   This has a very hard time deciding on what exact road to take, so it decides to take all of them.  Is this a romantic comedy, or straight comedy, or drama, a Christmas movie, a "we're having a baby movie" or a terminal illness movie?  The answer is yes.  This really veers off wildly in various places and loses its focus.  There are countless needless scenes that are only on screen to showcase all of our stars and give them all some screen time.

Much of the comedy is average at best.   The movies best scenes are the most poignant moments.  But you have to wait way too long for those, and the payoff is not worth that wait.  This is a good example of a movie that tries to be all things to all people and ends up being kind of disjointed and watered down.

The Best Man's  Holiday.  The holiday movie season is her now officially.

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