Friday, December 13, 2013

MOVIE REVIEW - A Medea Christmas

Tyler Perry is a successful and exceptionally profitable movie maker.  Perry has a string of topical hits that are as long as your arm.  This will make him a ton of money.   But the critics will gladly shred this awful hunk of junk.

The Madea character (Perry in drag) has been successful and Perry's signature character through many years and the various situations that she (he) finds herself in.   Part of the fun was that the wise-cracking old woman was relatable, fun and we all knew someone similar in our won lives.  Now, she is just vulgar, unoriginal and really, really tired.  Also some of the fun was Perry was almost unrecognizable.  Now, it looks like Perry with a gray wig and librarians glasses.  I guess dressing up as Madea all these many years is just too much work.  And that voice?  At first fun, now it just seeks out your spinal column, grabs it by both hands...and twists it violently.

What this is, is Perry and c-star Larry The Cable Guy in a series of improvised stand-up comedy routines trying to outdo each other.  And as funny and likable as LTCG is, he can't save this.   He has a few lines here and there, and he is a fun presence on screen,  but this whole thing is so bad, it's just a mess to get through.  Oh yeah, and there's not much Christmas in it at all.  Must have forgotten during production.

This movie carries on with a bunch of subplots over trying to be as topical as possible, but it just staggers around like a drunken brontosaurus.  Then finally, it just falls snout down in the gutter and lays there to sleep it off all night long while we watch.  This movie takes on racial marriage, school bullying, racism, southern stereotypes, the environment, and generalizations of many different types of people.   But does none of it very well.  Yes, there is a moment or two that is amusing, but overall this was about as fun as getting a pedicure with hedge clippers. 

But this is a great example of a movie that many will absolutely love and howl the whole way through. And being honest, that's great. We need movies for all types of audiences and this will find one, and be a hit. Perry makes movies on a tight budget and this will be very profitable in the end.   But for some this will be a root canal, and making it to the end will be an accomplishment in itself, while others are rolling hysterically on the floor.  

Reality is, these are popular movies. But I think that that even the most loyal of fans have to see the end coming soon and fast.  And when that time comes, it will free Perry to do other things and finally leave Madea behind.  I like Perry, but I am weary of this franchise which has worn out it's welcome.

A Madea Christmas.  Agonizing, arduous, and more than likely very successful at the box office.

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