Friday, May 16, 2008


We are almost through May, and now the big summer blockbusters start to roll in. Iron Man got things rolling two weeks ago bringing in 150 million or so so far. Speed Racer was supposed to keep it going last week, but was black flagged. And this week, the second in the Narnia flicks hits the movie houses.

That sets the stage for what lies ahead. coming soon!

1/ Indiana Jones 4 - Harrison Ford again. 27 years after the first movie Raiders Of The Lost
Ark, a surprise hit at the time, made Ford a real star. Interesting Tom Selleck turned down the role first, he was making a movie called High Road To China at the same time. The new flick is being very closely guarded, not many reviews yet. Word is though it may not be as snappy as the previous 3.

2/ Sex And The City - The girls are back this time on the big screen. What was such a funny TV show, could make for interesting movie making, or not. This could go either way.

3/ The Incredible Hulk - Ed Norton stars this time. I'm not sure of the story line here. Director Ang Lee of course made the Incredible Hulk 4 years ago, and left some less than thrilled. I loved the comic as a kid. TV show too.

4/ Batman - The Dark Knight - Of course there will be somewhat of a cloud here. Heath Ledger stars as the Joker in his last role before his death. Great supporting cast, and the Batman movies are on the right track at last.

5/ Get Smart - Steve Carrell as Agent 86. Based on the old TV show. Ann Hathaway as Agent 99. This is another flick that hangs in the balance. Great supporting cast, could be a home run, or a foul off the foot.

6/ The Love Guru - More Mike Myers being silly. I've been seeing the previews for months, still doesn't look funny. Looks like the trailer could be funnier than the flick.

7/ You Don't Mess With the Zohan - Adam Sandler as a former Israeli counter terrorist that quits to become a hair designer. The more I see this promoted the more I think it could work. It just might be silly enough for big laughs.

8/ The Happening - From the writer and director of Signs and the Sixth Sense. Mark Wahlberg in a real thriller. This movie looks like it could be the real sleeper hit of the summer. It won't sneak up on us like the Sixth Sense did, but it could be a big hit.

Best movie of the year so far - Smart People.
Worst movie of the year so far - Speed Racer
Biggest surprise movie of the year so far - Cloverfield
Most fun movie of the year so far - Iron Man
Biggest disappointment movie so far - Leatherheads

More next week with reviews of Indiana Jones and Sex And the City

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