Friday, May 30, 2008

MOVIE REVIEW - Sex And The City

I'll start by asking a question. How can you review the new movie Sex And The City? The popular, award winning, highly acclaimed HBO show has only been off the air for a couple of seasons. It has the exact same cast, same music, same everything. The magic has not had time to disappear so what is there to recapture? The only test here is to see how well a R rated romantic comedy will fare at the box office. They are rare.

Truth up front. If you were a fan of the TV show, you'll love this movie. And If you never saw SATC on pay television you'll become a fan. Carrie, Charlotte, Sam, Miranda and Mr. Big are all back and have not missed a beat. The movie picks up where the last season left off. The girls still are facing the everyday challenges of life and love in the big apple. They still are living the lives that many would love to live. They still have an endless supply of money and vacation time, and shop at places we can only dream of. Mr. Big is still big, and still on the fence on what he wants to do with Carrie and his life.

More truth? There is no real difference between this movie and the TV show. It's just a 2 and a half hour episode. The only real differences are one for you - you don't have to have HBO to see it, and two - for the actors, a gigundus payday! There is maybe some new ground broken here though. I can see a new trend as a result of SATC. Why not have the series finale at the movie theaters? If it's big on TV it surely will be big at the box office, as long as too much time has not passed, and the right weekend to release it is well thought out.

The movie is true to the show. Nice performances, snappy dialogue, a fun soundtrack, a NYC backdrop, and a visual surprise from time to time keep the pace moving along nicely. One thing that struck me. There is something desensitising about waking into a movie theater. It's a true phenomenon, when you see something sexy shocking on TV, it's very different than seeing it on the big screen. That "shock"value is missing in the movie.

One thing that is undeniable. Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon, and Kim Catrall are still terrific in the roles of there lives. No matter where they go, they will always be the Sex And The City girls, and try as they might they will never be better in anything!

But Sex And The City for fans is a dream come true, and new legions of fans will be born as a result. A great night for the girls at the movies, then cosmos after!

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