Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MOVIE REVIEW - My Sisters Keeper

Summer is an unlikely time for a movie like My Sisters Keeper to be in theaters, but here it is. I will say right now, My Sisters Keeper my be way too much for some movie goers. I think that's a fair disclaimer to a very powerful movie.

MSK is the story that is every parents nightmare. The Fitzgerald Family is facing the possibility of losing their precious 16 year-old daughter Kate, to cancer. She was diagnosed early in life. The family who also has an older son doesn't know what to do. So they genetically engineer another daughter Anna, who will be a perfect organ and "spare parts" donor for Kate. Anna at now age 11, sues her parents for the right to make her own medical decisions, rather than have them made for her.

That's just part of the journey here. Kate's mother, Sara has understandably lost all real perspective, and sees nothing wrong with the idea of Anna being "farmed out" for Kate. Sara is a dedicated, loving mother facing the worst possible scenario in any family. A terminal illness of a young child. MSK is the story of Kate's illness, and the far reaching ramifications that it has on an entire family. It is a very powerful movie.

This movie is a raw, and hard to watch story sometimes of life not fair. Not everyone will be able to sit through watching a beautiful, young girl go through cancer treatments, and watch her steady decline. Also, the tragedy of a family going through hell is not light movie watching. But MSK is a very emotional and powerful look at a tough, tough topic. It hits you hard, and doesn't really relent for one hour and forty six minutes.

Starring Cameron Diaz as Sara. This is new ground for her, and she's far more believable than I thought she would be. Also starring Jason Patric, Joan Cusack, Alec Baldwin as the slickity -slick lawyer hired by Anna. And there's Abigail Breslin (Anna) now 13 years old and just terrific in this leading role. She has been good in virtually everything I've seen her in, and continues to get better. This movie also takes its time and develops as many characters well in a short period of time. The script is honest, and straightforward. It doesn't lie to you. It starts out as one kind of movie, and stays there. Even when it gets a little too close for comfort. That is MSK strength. Also a VERY interesting soundtrack and use of songs, both familiar and not, adds to this real emotional journey.

My Sisters Keeper. Heavy drama at least. And be rest assured, there will be tears, and more than likely a hard memory or two for most of us who have dealt with a loved one with cancer. But overall, very well done with a tough, harsh subject. It may be too close to the bone for some, NOT FOR EVERYONE. But a very strong. powerful, well done movie.

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