Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Path

Through the trees, tall grass, and uneven terrain, The Path winds and flows to places uncharted and definitely unknown. At times, we would like not to venture down The Path, but there is no choice. For it's The Path is what's in front ...and behind us.

The Path is not always smooth, and not always kind. And travel ahead can seem so much more difficult than the path left behind. But behind us is what was once unknown for a time too. But as we ventured on what was once strange, became familiar, and some comfort ensued.

The thing about The Path is that there is no choice but to go down its uneven scale. Few embrace traveling it alone....and there are those places that there is only room for one at a time. Especially the parts that are thin and slick. But places where The Path is wide and spacious for others to tag along, an adventure can be taken together.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Be rest assured that there are many around you who will be eager and ready to take on The Path with you. At times it may not feel like it, but your path is long and prosperous, and waiting your circumnavigation. A seemingly unending journey indeed, and it is certainly one to be respected and one to take heed.

No one likes every part of The Path. What seems so scary about The Path is the unknown. Limbo, and uncertainty are not things we embrace as a rule. And The Path isn't particularly interested in being easy to negotiate, and at times same seem cruel.

But as the days goes by, we take the first apprehensive steps, The Path will become more kind, and what was once a scary section, will have been successfully traveled, and left behind.

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