Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Time Gets All The Credit

Maybe it's just me, but this time of the year is always a time when I do the most thinking. The most reflecting. Maybe it's the beginning of spring, the changing of the seasons, I don't know. Could be I'm outside more and the new and fresh air is opening up parts of me that were closed for the winter. As the days grow longer and warmer, my thoughts do the same.

After we pushed the clocks ahead a few weeks ago, time seems to be on our side now. We love the extra daylight, and time. Actually, we do all the changing. Time doesn't do a thing. Time just ticks. That's all time does.... march on. It's steady, and sure. We are not.

No matter what we choose to do in our lives, time does the exact same thing. One second at a time. Tick...tick. We work around time. I'm not sure if time is a friend or foe. I lean mostly to friend. But it's close. I think most of us have experienced it being both.

When it is said, " Time is on our side," I guess in some scenarios that can be true. When you're young, carefree, there is nothing but time. Good time, and fun times. It ticks but you don't hear it. When things are good, time seems to "fly by." Fast moving time is the sure sign of an extra good time, but when we look up and see the hands on the clock, we wish we could turn it back and start again. Been there.

Some say, "Time heals all wounds." Sounds good, but I'm not sure time has one thing to do with that. When something happens in our world that shakes us, time doesn't do one thing different than it always does. The healing comes from within us. We choose, or not, to do the healing, or the beginning again. True, time is always moving but here it gets all the credit, when I'm not so sure any is really do. We feel the hurt. We do the work. We start over. . And we join time, ...in time ...and do what it does. Move on.

Transversely, when it is said, "Time stood still." Usually for a major positive. A first and wonderful kiss, the birth of a child, a wedding. In fact, during these precious moments time doesn't stand still, it keeps ticking. But it is us that finally take the initiative to stop and notice that something was happening in our lives that was special and long lasting, and worth taking notice of. We forget about time at those moments and burn the event to memory. Good for us. At these special times, we could care less about time. It's moving, but we're immersed in inertia. These are exceptionally good times...and decisions.

Regardless of where you come down in the "time, friend or foe" debate, one thing I feel we all can agree on. Time is valuable and too often taken for granted. And we shouldn't do that. For in life there are no reruns, and no rehearsals. It's first take every time. And when we take time for granted, we do the same to ourselves. No one yearns to be taken for granted, and neither does time. It will move on and we must too no matter what.

What we choose to do with our time is, and always has been up to us. Making good use of the time allotted to us on earth leads to great happiness. Consequently, when we squander time as a way of life, we are usually not filled with the same joy as those taking time for a ride and making every second count. Because the most mysterious thing about time is, we never know how much we are given. That brings us to the friend or foe part again.

But in the end, we are the ones that manage it, how we spend it, and who we spend it with. Yeah, time gets all the credit, but we do all the work.

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