Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Here they come! The Halloween movies in October that are supposed to scare us. Every year it's the same thing.

Case 39 - Finally at the box office. This movie was filmed a few years ago, and it's finally showing at the corner theater. Better hurry..may not be long. Case 39 stars Renee Zellweger...(remember her?) and Bradley Cooper. But this movie was filmed long before he was a star and his part is very small. Just being honest.

Case 39 is the story of Emily (Zellweger). She is a very nice, young woman who works with troubled families as a social worker. She is overworked, and has way too many cases. She inherits a case that is very strange. A weird couple is trying to kill their 10 year old daughter, Lilly. After Lilly is safely rescued away by Emily, and the parents go to jail the real weirdness begins. People start dropping dead all over the place. And all indications point back to 10 year old Lilly. Who is she? What is she? and Why is she the way she is? That's Case 39.

Holy cow is this awful. Case 39 has been delayed a few times in its release, and a while longer would have been better. Predictable, not scary, not thrilling, not anything that you can call good. And hard for some to watch I'm sure. Especially the scenes early in the flick, long before you suspect anything from Lilly, when her parents are jamming her with duct tape over her mouth into a gas oven in the kitchen, then put the burners on. Lovely. You have to be able to watch a 10 year old girl get tossed around a few times in this junk pile, so if that deeply troubles you, don't go.

As a matter of fact, don't go anyways. Story is weak and obvious, and very shallow. So many untied ends as well. Haven't we been down this " demonized little kid" road enough times. Plus, this movie look very dated, as Zellweger is really out of the limelight now, and Cooper looks like he's in high school. This movie should have gone right to DVD. Even that is too good for it.

Case 39. Really, really bad.

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