Monday, April 11, 2011

MOVIE REVIEW - Soul Surfer

Before I begin I will say the new movie Soul Surfer has holes, problems, and is not really great cinematic movie making for a boat load of reasons.

But with that said..this is a story totally worth telling. And furthermore, I think every kid should see this movie with their parents. Soul Surfer is the true story of surfing champion Bethany Hamilton. You may know some of her story. She was savagely attacked by a huge great white shark as an adolescent while surfing in Hawaii. She was an up and coming surfer, and an all around good kid. The shark in an instant, bit off her left arm up to the shoulder, and she lived to tell about it.

This is the story of what she does after this horrible event. And she eventually goes on to become a surfing champion with one arm. But her journey there is an interesting one. I am not sure, nor is anyone if all of this is literally true word for word, but I say so what? This is a good flick for young people to see. As she literally becomes an inspiration to millions of young people around the world.

This movie does have a Christian overtone to it. The movie makers do not hide the fact that this is a spiritual based movie of sorts, made with and by people who have great passion for telling a story of faith. SS is told very methodically, and easily, with a very young audience in mind. SS does not venture far off the path of it's main story line, and that is the eventual calling for Bethany after her terrible tragedy.

Outside of the overtones, this is a great story. This young girl with such a unthinkable injury for someone her age really does amazing things, and continues to do them today. There are far worse things to make a movie about than a young person in our world today, being a great role model for others to follow. Truth be told there are not a lot of movies like this. And to be more than honest, that's probably a good thing. We like to see really good stories made for us to marvel at, not average ones. These kind of stories need to chosen carefully.

Yes, SS does have holes, and there are a lot of questions as you watch. They easily breeze over her "getting over" the attack. And they spend virtually no time on her physical rehab. And there is a bunch of formula characters and obligatory scenes. Some bad dialogue, and a bunch of poor writing. And you get to see a ton of surfing. But - so what to all of the above.

Bethany Hamilton's story is a great one. So, shrug off the wrinkles of this one and take the kids and have them be inspired by someone who is willing to put herself out there, when most would not. And this story can certainly supply some perspective for those struggling with their own problems.

Soul Surfer. Short on movie making, but a story worth knowing.

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