Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It's time for another graphic novel to come to the screen, this time it's Priest.

Based on the graphic novel series, Priest not only is the latest 3-D graphic novel flick at the movies, but the latest "end of the world" plot that is really resonating with movie goers over the past 18 months or so. And guess what, it's yet another vampire movie.

Priest is part action, part drama, part slasher, part western and part cartoon network. To be fair, it attempts to be heavy on story but comes up short. This is an effect-heavy loud flick that pits good versus evil, plain and simple.

Story in a nutshell, there was a war between humans and vampires. The wars over. The vampires thought to be essentially defeated, are not. And they of course want to start up and new war and exterminate the humans. The gifted Priests are capable of defeating the vampires, and they set out to do so yet again. You can dress it up all you want, with everything you want, and that's still what you have. Another battle of the good and bad.

Priest does a few things well. It's vision of vampires is hardly Twilight. They are original in form, but predictable on screen. Priest is nice and tidy, only about 85 minutes, and that's a good thing. You are ready to be finished. My fear was this would really wear out it's welcome. There is only so much killing of computer generated vampires you can watch. Priest is very video-gamey, and sometimes just flat out regular gamy.

Priest looks good in 3-D, but that's not a saving grace here. Priest needs to get in line with a bunch of moves that look exactly the same. 3-D if you must. Otherwise, see what else is out there to see.

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