Friday, June 24, 2011

MOVIE REVIEW - Bad Teacher

Cameron Diaz is back in the new comedy Bad Teacher.

It's another in a long line of raunchy comedies that have come down the pike lately. In short, it's the story (if there really is one) about a teacher, Elizabeth (Diaz). She teaches English at a middle school, and her ultimate goal in life is to marry a rich guy so she doesn't have to work anymore. She then thinks the way to get that goal accomplished is to get a breast enhancement done so she can attract the right guy.

She is a terrible teacher. She's either drunk all the time, or high as she smokes grass in the school parking lot most of the time. She sleeps in class, she hates her students, has horrible language and hates her job. She is a user, and a loser. She then sets her sights on Scott (Justin Timberlake) who teachers with her. She thinks he is rich from family money. All the while being pursued by the gym teacher (Jason Segel) as the other teachers look on.

Raunchy can be fun at times. But the real trouble here is this. Diaz does the same thing over and over in this movie. And it wasn't funny the first time. She is not a funny woman. Not before, and certainly not now. This movie just reeks of desperation on her part. Being cast in a raunchy "comedy" that requires nothing except smoking pot, and cussing. In her big scene at the students car wash where she of course wears little clothing and soaps up with a sponge and garden hose to draw attention. She can't even really be sexy anymore. Final straw. This is just flat out embarrassing. If you've seen the trailer for this movie, you have seen the whole thing.

This movie tries to have a story, but it's disjointed, and silly. Then it gets worse as they pull out all the junior high humor stops as the movie goes on. And this thing just spirals out of control to it's eventual demise. A bright spot though is Lucy Punch as the eccentric, perky young teacher, Miss Squirrel is pretty darn funny here. Timberlake too, has a moment or two, but he deteriorates as the flick moves on. Not his fault, bad writing. Also, Phyllis Smith as teacher Lynn, a scared of her shadow, reluctant, understated, quirky friend is very funny. She was totally underused here.

In short, Bad Teacher never gets off the ground. This satirical concept actually could have been funny handled and written properly. But it's not good. It takes the easy way out. Sometimes makers as so focused on making a "cool" movie they take their eye off the ball. My goodness, how many scenes do we have to watch Diaz do nothing creative on camera? Pay attention guys.

Bad Teacher. It will be a hit, and find an audience. But the full theater wanted to laugh today way more than it actually did. And for those that walked out halfway, I wonder if you got your money back.

1 comment:

Bad Teacher Movie said...

Bad Teacher is not the kind of movie I am looking for. This movie doesn't have a story. All the parts seems different from each other. I like acting by the characters. The screenplay of the movie is good still I'll say its one time watch only.