Saturday, June 23, 2012

MOVIE REVIEW - Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

Here comes the guilty pleasure action flick of the summer, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.

I have got to see any movie with this crazy title. And yes, it's THAT Abe Lincoln in this action, fantasy thriller from strange movie maker Tim Burton. Now before you just throw this out in the trash without seeing it, this is a movie you might want to give a chance to. This is a mixture of fiction, fantasy, some fact, action, humor, and a whole lot of creativity. Should be noted for those not historically polished, this is not a true story. And Burton isn't trying to convince you that it is.

In our flick, supposedly Lincoln kept "secret diaries" from the time he was about 11 years old about having contact with vampires, including one that killed his mother while he was a child. Abe then is filled with rage, and vows to kill that vampire. He befriends a man who also has dealings with vampires, and he tutors a young Abe in the art of vampire hunting. Abe's weapon of choice is a silver plated ax.

As this movie goes along, Abe grows up, meets his wife, Mary Todd, and becomes the political figure we all know, and effectively resigns as a vampire hunter when he becomes president. His full attention is devoted to the Civil War. Then our plot takes a turn. Who exactly is the Union fighting in the Civil War? And why is this war being fought in it's entirety? That is the backbone of our fictional story.

This is a very interesting weaving of a number of plot lines. From an historical event, with a nice fictional twist, and a hint of fantasy. This movie develops a nice sense of humor about itself, but doesn't become a parody of itself either. This movie knows it's way out there, and embraces it well. Don't be fooled either, his is a big budget flick with huge effects. The scenes near the end of the high railroad bridge fighting vampires is nothing short of amazing movie making. Really a visual feast. Many scenes far outside the action sequences look great. Wonderful techniques with highly effective shots and scenes. Much of this movie looks great, from costuming, sets, and backgrounds. Plus, if you wish you can see this in 3-D.

This movie, as silly as it may sound, does capture some of Lincolns greatness. It goes well beyond the vampire hunting, and shows Lincoln at times at his best. All of this during the darkest time in our nations history. As superficial as the title is, and the idea seems, there is much depth to the issues of the Civil War they dare to take on head first. They are not replacing history here, they are just viewing it through a fantasy prism for an entertainment only. Lincoln also delivers the Gettysburg Address at the end which is wonderfully done, and inspiring to hear on the big screen.

In short, with vampires all the rage in today's movies, it's good to see one that doesn't involve sullen young people in love or ones so violent that it's totally gratuitous. This is a vampire movie for adults. Let me go on the record, this vampire thing has been so overdone the past few years it's nauseating. But, this is so very different on so many levels it works well. Should be noted too, there is much violence in this movie. But it's Tim Burton violence if you know what I mean. It's walks the line between real violence and fantasy violence.

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. Original to say the least, and it gets big points there. The guilty pleasure thriller of this or any summer.

1 comment:

Dan O. said...

Good review Scott. This movie was a lot of fun, believe it or not, but whenever they focused on the plot/story/history, it got boring. Also, should have been as ridiculous as the title suggested.