Friday, June 8, 2012

MOVIE REVIEW - Prometheus

Here comes the prequel to Aliens, and this time it's Ridley Scott's, Prometheus new this week. Do me a favor, wake me up when this is over.

Prometheus is he new Sci-Fi thriller that takes place in the year 2089. A group of scientists and crew on a privately owned space craft called the Prometheus go on a mission to find the origins of our species. They believe they have unearthed the secret here on earth, and strike out to another planet a billion miles away to discover hopefully the greatest scientific discovery ever. But of course, they are going to find something drastically different.

I know this has played to some decent reviews, but looking a this honestly, and not through the Sci-fi geek prism. This is just silly. Simply silly. This has a pretty good cast that features Charlize Theron, Guy Pearce and Idris Elba, all fine actors, and a nice supporting cast too. But this is totally about what Scott can do, and not what he should do as a movie maker.

Obviously our heroes are going to encounter aliens beings, that are not going to appreciate us being here. There's plenty of aliens bursting out of people's chests (again), and plenty of slithery things forcing themselves down open human mouths to go around. Can they survive and get home, and can they save the earth from these awful hating creatures from going to earth to exterminate everyone? And can we squeeze yet a few more side plots in here please? There's not enough going on in this chaotic movie mess.

But, there are some really cool effects here, and there is are some riveting scenes where the content is compelling and somewhat original. This is also a very loud movie, with plenty of loud bangs and irritating music and effects to go around too. But what holds Prometheus back is what is usually the downfall of most average to bad movies, are the holes in the story. This just flies in the face of all logic and reason. These people who have flown a BILLION miles are the dumbest people in the solar system. There are times the story is so silly and decisions made by our characters are so dumb, it's B movie quality.

Example, if you flew a billion miles and landed on a planet, would you automatically think it was OK to take off your space helmet? Would you then be stunned when you became contaminated with an atmosphere you didn't understand? And would you do this in he first 2 minutes there? I'm guessing not. And when this whole series of events started to go HORRIBLY wrong, would you not just go home or at least leave the planet surface? Of course you would. There's just so much insulting content here that it ruins the whole deal. I'm just scratching the surface here.

Prometheus staggers along weaving in a good scene and a bad one, eventually tiring you out and having you look at your watch wondering when your 2 hours is up. Lucky for us, this is not overly long, but makes up for it by being immensly silly, loud, and irritating in the long run. A misused cast, and an overused idea sink this ship. Would have far preferred a new idea and at least some originality as opposed to an old one with new bells and whistles.

Prometheus. "Yawwwwwnnn, is it over yet? Let's go get a pizza."

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