Monday, February 18, 2008

It Has Just Been Brutal!

Have you really tried to watch TV lately?'s tough! Whether it's the writers' strike or not, watching the tube these days is bordering on brutal. I can never remember a time when the big networks have had so little to put on. The writers are back now, so things should be getting somewhat better soon.

As far as the big shows are concerned, we did get a little reprieve during the past week or two. Survivor and Lost came back on. And if you're into American Idol, that's back on... Big Brother too. But the past few months have been sheer torture.

As shocked as we all were, the new Bionic Woman tanked. Knight Rider has been ressurected; haven't seen it yet. The Moment of Truth...boy, that's compelling television, and tonight get ready for My Dad is Better Than Your Dad. - No kidding.

It's so bad, I'm pining for Deal or No Deal or some classic episode of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader. I know this is all fun and games, and come on it's only television. But you would think that people that make it all the way to the top in the profession could muster up the energy to get something really good on TV.

The truth is there really are no new ideas. Television is now 50 plus years old and the gammit has been run. As interesting as the past 50 years or so have been, I think the next 50 will be even more interesting. What are "they" going to do? Seriously? I have no idea and I don't think TV execs do either. There was a time that the best people in Hollywood were working in television in one aspect or another, but those days are over. And in decades past, they cranked out some real dogs too, ala My Mother The Car.- Oh boy! So bad television is nothing new. But I think we expect more now. I keep seeing all these prep pieces too on local news about the digital switch over a year from now....heck, I'd settle for something good to watch in analog!!!!!!!!!!

One problem TV seems to be having these days is the same problem that pop-rock music has been having for the past 20 years. It's all so disposable. By and large, no staying power. Too trendy, too eager to cash in on the latest fads with not a lot of thought given to quality. There have been some great shows TV shows in that same period, but most will fade and be gone forever. Just like Brittany Spears music. We've changed too. We, as a people, are much more dismissive of anything not in the here-and-now. Tough combination.

So, if the remote has been smoking lately at your house from overuse, you're not alone. If this keeps up we may have to do something really read a book, like Stephen King's Duma Key. C''s gotta be at least as much fun as My Dad is Better Than Your Dad!

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