Thursday, February 21, 2008

Less Would Be More!

Well here we are in the middle of the campaign for President and the question is, are you tired of the whole thing yet? Just think we still have 8 months to go!

The whole thing should be shorter and easier and I'm here to help. So no matter what party you claim or who your candidate is let's take 5 minutes and reform the system shall we?

First - Debates - Since most important questions in politics are Yes or No questions, and no candidate ever comes close to saying those two words in the current debating climate, let's make it mandatory. Have 25 questions asked by some regular Joe. Make the questions fair and honest and we expect answers the same in return. Yes or No. First one to NOT answer, yes or no, loses. It's clear and we all can learn the truth, plus they are on the record - no mistake. That was easy. Footnote - None of us wants to hear them babbling anyway.

Second - Money - Candidates now currently spend a seemingly unending supply of other peoples money to convince us that they really know how to budget and spend OUR money responsibly if elected. Solution, candidates are only allowed a certain same amount, and let's see how effectively they spend it. Just like you and I have to do. Simple again.

Third - No Negative Ads - If you really made candidates say how they are actually qualified for the job, then we could really learn if that's true or not. Plus we'd all feel a lot better about who we eventually DO vote for. That's just human nature. This is easier than I thought!

Fourth - One Term - Go ahead and lengthen it if you want I'm good with that. But upon further review, after you get the biggest job on earth you should probably spend your time actually DOING it, and NOT spending the first four years re-applying for it again. Here I am ..alone again in the common sense zone!

And Finally this - We don't start the 2008 Major League Baseball season in 2006. The campaign should start January 1st of the election year. Primaries over by summer, conventions should take 2 days, and let's get on with it. You and I know this could be done.

One more thing - Candidates should NOT be allowed to pretend they are "thrilled" to be everywhere. Example - "I am just THRILLED to be in (your small town) and I love what you stand for!" Loud applause. If they do choose to say that, they should be made to put this disclaimer on it. "And after today, if elected, I will NEVER, EVER come back here again unless there is some kind of huge national news worthy event here, and only if the network TV cameras are here and rolling first - But I DO love you!" It would be tough to hear - but honest.

How is it that one man can fix this problem in about 5 minutes on his home computer and Congress would debate it endlessly with no real change? Look, it's obvious these reforms are tongue- in- cheek and not likely to be adopted any time soon. But a man can dream can't he?

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