Tuesday, August 5, 2008

MOVIE REVIEW - The Mummy 3

Sometimes we forget as movie goers that the studios are in the business of making money. That's just a fact. The Mummy 3 is designed to do just that.

When Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz starred in the Mummy 1 years ago, it became the Raiders Of The Lost Ark of that summer. It was a surprise hit, and a really fun and exciting movie. A nice marriage of new technology and old school movie making. It was fun, it was visually great, and we all liked it. If the studio wasn't in the business of making money, The Mummy probably would have stopped there. But that's not the world we live in. The Mummy 2 was predictably going to be made, and it wasn't near as good as the first. And the Mummy 3....strikes out as well.

Don't get me wrong here. There's nothing really wrong with this flick. But there's not Rachel Weisz this time, (big loss.) But there is Jet Li as our villain. The trouble here is, there is no real new ground. Great effects, big budget, same characters, and blah, blah, blah. This is not a wasted day a the movies, there's just no real reason to go see it. You've seen it before - TWICE.

But stick with me here. Think about it. The box office, the cable rights, DVD, video rights, video game rights, pay per view rights, and toys? This is a money maker - period. I know we forget that sometimes. I'm not going to pan the Mummy 3, but I can't in good conscience recommend you go and spend 9 bucks to see it when money is tight like it is now. Like I said, you already have if you've seen the first one, or two.

No matter how you adjust the bandages, it's still The Mummy, and you've been there, done that. The Mummy 3.....maybe it should have been named The Money 3. Hmmmm.

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