Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thanks Ray!

A day or two ago, my on-air partner Sue Wilson and I were talking on the air about back-to-school, and the expense it is for many these days. That conversation led to us collecting school supplies here at the station for those in need. You are still free to come by and donate, we'd love to have you do that. So this week generosity has been on my mind, as I have witnessed it again from our listeners, and it's great to see.

This week I keep going back to a day that changed me for the better. It was 1998. I was living in Lakeland, Florida and doing the morning show on WPCV there. We were a successful show, number one and all, and my on air partner Tom O'Brien and I did a lot of community things too. I was single at the time, and living a nice life there. Work, golf, sun... pretty much looking out for myself. My friend Ray and I played golf in those days about 2 times a week, and we'd usually have lunch that day too. I met Ray in 1997 at a station function. He drove our station sponsored race car and we became fast friends still to this day.

We were eating at a place called Catfish Country, when Ray asked our waitress to bring him the check of a family of five eating on the other side of the restaurant. I asked what he was doing, and he said he was going to buy their lunch. I was intrigued. He said that when he and his wife were younger with 3 kids under 3 at one time including twins, that people would do that for them from time to time, never knowing who the were. I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen that mattered. I was moved, so I bought our lunch and left the tip, for both tables while he picked up the check of the family. I need to point out, Ray is just a regular guy, with regular bills just like you and me.

That was a moment that changed me forever. I decided that I couldn't buy every ones lunch all the time, but I could be more benevolent, both in my personal and professional life. I have given much more to worthwhile causes since then, like Tree Of Lights, etc...and I hope I've been good at donating my time and efforts to other causes that really matter. Things like my family, friends and their children. Funny how that lunch has been on my mind this week, as we opened our selves up with our school supplies collection.

Ray is a man of faith. Since that day at Catfish Country better things have happened for me. Although I don't get to see Ray as much as I used to, my life long friend Don and I go down to Florida and play golf with him two or three times a year. They too, have become great friends. Don too, believes Ray is one of the really good ones. Don's 19 year-old son Derek hears us talk of Ray often, and he asked something the other day I'll not soon forget. "Do you think I'll get to meet Ray someday?" I'm guessing yes.

When you're around someone that's right with the world, you're better for it. When we visit Florida, after golf we BBQ with his family and get a Ray Pray before we eat. All is good. I'll bet you Ray doesn't remember that day at Catfish Country as much as I do. It's just what he does.

Sometimes you're just better off knowing certain people. I'm lucky, I have many like that in my life, and I know I'm fortunate. I think that day I saw one of the kindest things I had ever seen anyone do for a perfect stranger. Your kindness this week for donating school supplies to those in need is reminiscent of my friend Ray in Florida.

A great lesson that day in 1998...still with me.

Thanks Ray!
(By the way in case you're wondering...Catfish Country? Great fish!)

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