Monday, August 11, 2008

You Guys Do A Great Job

Monday morning on the show Sue Wilson and I were talking about the weekend, and about how we noticed the huge throngs of people out shopping. We deducted that this was more than likely due to the back to school crowd getting ready for the upcoming year. Clothes, pictures and school supplies can cost a bunch.

After airing a ton of calls about how much it cost to send kids of all ages back to school, we saw a theme brewing. It cost a ton of money, and these are not great economic times for many. Not to be dramatic, but after hearing the desperation in some voices, we thought that maybe we could help. So if you click on our website, you can see how you can help others if your able. And Sue and I certainly hope you do. We're going to use our station as a warehouse, so feel free to bring your school supplies to us and we'll get them to those who need them.

Sending kids back to school has always been expensive but in years past, gasoline wasn't 4 bucks a gallon, and so on and so forth. Looks like this year, it could really strap some families, especially large ones. Somehow parents always seem to get it done, but some could really use some assistance this year. Sending kids back to school isn't what it was 20 years ago. It's a big deal now in every regard, and pricey too. If you've done it and are now done, you know what I mean. It never seems to end!

WQMX listeners always amaze me. When there is a need, you always respond. To be honest it's been that way at every country station I've worked for, but here it's really amplified. I guess it must be the confluence of country radio listeners, traditional mid-western values, big hearts, common sense, and real world living experience. Mix it all up, and you've got the recipe for extreme acts of generosity and benevolence. We're hoping for a great response, so families that really need the help can get some this year.

In case we don't say it enough, thanks for everything. Thanks for listening, thanks for coming to our roadshows, playing our contests, and supporting great causes year after year. I'm proud to be here, and to be with you every day. I am really looking forward to seeing the response to you bring to this worth while cause. Thanks in advance.....and you guys do a great job!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


For years I have donated school supplies to my sister's classroom at East High School. Usually about $20 worth of pens, pencils, folders, spiral notebooks, etc. Going to Marc's and Wal-Mart, etc. I pick up good deals and help my sister's classroom at the same time. The kids never know where the supplies come from - they just know that if there is a need she just goes into her bottom drawer and there is the supply, so they are like everyone else.