Wednesday, January 14, 2009

MOVIE REVIEW - The Unborn's scary! The Unborn new in theaters this week. NOT! Producer Micheal Bay and others have teamed up to bring us yet another unscary movie that is supposed to really give us a jolt.

Give me a break! The Unborn is the story of young college woman, who is being haunted by her unborn twin who died while still in the womb. All of this unknown to her until the haunting starts and her dad fesses up. She goes on this frantic search to find some kind of resolution to this trouble, and ends up meeting a rabbi and a pastor who convince her that an exorcism is the only hope.

To be brutally honest here. That's about all you need to know as far as the story is concerned. There are sub plots and twists, but they are so ridiculous and far fetched, and so unnecessary. It really goes no deeper, although it tries. This is 85 minutes of my life that I feel were just flushed down the can. And the can would be a good place to take all copies of this movie, and just have one enormous handle thrust.

I wish I could say that despite the silly story of "Jumby" (that's right..Jumby) the spirit doing the haunting, that there were really good effects or music or something, but there were not. It's just bad. It has all the stuff you would expect from a supposedly scary movie. Plenty of loud jolts, things popping out of the dark after the quiet, even lots of scenes of our attractive female star doing lots of things in her t-shirt and panties for some reason. Ever notice that in these really bad flicks, that all the scary things happen when our heroine is in her underwear at night? It's been that way for years now.

I guess if you're seeing your first "scary" movie it'll give you a jolt or two, until you learn the drill, and are aware of the formula. There are a few things here disturbing to some as well. Children used as evil spirits, and infant mortality. All could have been written out and reworked. Although wouldn't have made any difference, it's still bad.

The Unborn. Not scary, not interesting, not clever, just flat out not good.

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