Wednesday, August 19, 2009

MOVIE REVIEW - Time Travelers Wife out the bags from the seat pocket in front of you, here comes The Time Travelers Wife. This week new at the box office, it's Eric Bana, and Rachel Mcadams in this cry fest of a movie that makes Nicholas Sparks stories read more like Stephen King.

Before I paddle this movie, I will say that I am a big Rachel Mcadams fan. She is lovely and generally very good in her roles in some really good movies. Trouble here is, I think at this stage far more side dish, than main course and she doesn't work here. Eric Bana? Well he is who he is. Nothing really there.

TTW, is based on a huge set of stories about a naive, young woman who comes from wealth, who ends up marrying a seemingly nice young man. Trouble here is, he has what they call a genetic anomaly (how convenient..whatever that means) that "makes" him travel through time at the most inopportune times. He just vanishes, only to return at random. Why does this happen? Where did this come from? How does she cope with all of this? And will they make it? Who knows? Moreover - who cares?

This movie is so cheesy, you almost need a glass of wine to get it down. Full of HUGE holes, and "what on earth are they doings" and "why does this happen in in the first place's" Example, if you had someone in your life that just vanished on 1 seconds notice, and only left his clothes behind, would you EVER let him drive? I'm guessing not. But he does. This is a small example,with a movie that's loaded with them. The whole thing is just dumb on film. Probably very nice books, but on film? No!

This flick does start off kind of fun and interesting, then after about the 30 minute pole, it becomes cold, dark,and morose. A slow, unending funeral dirge, that kind of just lies there all the while stripping down any enjoyment you had an hour ago slapping down your hard earned cash to see this....travesty. The big question in the movie is, "When will he die?" Soon I hope, so we can go HOME!

One bit of kudos though. The little girls cast to play Mcadams at a young age, and their daughter, are just great. They put some nice charm in an otherwise charmless flick. Nice casting job, and the performances as small as they are, are wonderful.

The Time Travelers Wife. Really not good, only for the completely dedicated book readers, and huge fans of the story. If you're new to it........keep rolling on by. Travel someplace else...anywhere else.

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