Monday, August 31, 2009

MOVIEW REVIEW - Final Destination

Look out! It's time to cheat death again in the next installment of the Final Destination series new at the box office this weekend. A big opening as we slowly inch towards Halloween.

You may remember the first one or two of these movies. Premonition meet coincidence, meets a bunch of young people and their possible deaths. This is of course is a "can we stay alive movie?" And of course the answer is "no." Death has a plan, and try as they might, our hero's live only to die....all in very graphic and unusual ways. Sound morbid? It is....and it isn't.... all at the some time.

You kind of have to "get" these movies. Even though there is some rough stuff to see and hear, these flicks don't take themselves too seriously. Presented in a half tongue-in -cheek way of sorts. Complete with goofy sound, and visual effects at times, it's hard to explain, but there is a ray of levity to it all. But as the plot line thickens, we wonder who is next and how will it happen?

But you have to be willing to "cut the movie a break." And understand the producers know that none of this stuff is really possible. Even though technically some of it is. I mean there are those who have had horrible escalator accidents, and pool drain accidents, but not many have had a automatic car wash try to do them in. Young adults will love this movie, as it speaks to them and their willingness to be thrilled at the movies. Should be noted this is NOT a slasher movie. Oh there's plenty of people meeting the end, but not at the hands of anyone person. Just by death itself. This is more of a thriller than a horror movie. It's also filled with irony, humor at times and of course some really BAD acting.

Truth is, we all owe a death. That's just the plain hard, cold facts. And the truth is, death can not be cheated time and time again. When it's your time, it's your time. But most of us wish for some kind of more ceremonial ending than Final Destination.

There will be countless other scary movies this fall just in time for Halloween, and Final Destination will fall by the wayside as just an "oh yea" movie. But it you're looking for the first jolt of the Fall, here you go! You'll also never look at an escalator ride the same way again - I'm just saying.

For most this is a miss. But for some, Final Destination will be the the first scary ride of the Halloween season.

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