Saturday, February 13, 2010

MOVIE REVIEW - Valentines Day

This years Hollywood installment of the "Battle Of The Mid-Level Stars" movie is, Valentines Day. You may remember last winter, He's Just Not That Into You, was in theaters, and this year it's new stars...same formula.

Hollywood is trying to get you to come to the movies this February by packing as many new faces and some established faces into one 2 hour movie in hopes you'll think this is something real special. But remember, just because you know who all these people are doesn't mean this is going to be good.

Valentines Day, is the day in the life of a bunch of young people from Los Angeles, that just happens to be Valentines Day. Some of these stories are semi connected, but others are not. All have love troubles on the most romantic of days. There really is no main story here, much like last years He's Just No that Into You. So there really is not plot to follow. But as all of the action shakes out, Valentines Day essentially stars Ashton Kutcher and Jennifer Garner. They emerge as the movies main characters, and both are OK as their story seems to get the most screen time.

The real trouble here is the look of this movie. What it really looks like is that all of these stars stopped by for a day or two to shoot their part and leave. There are stars in the previews you will see on screen for about 5 minutes total, namely Bradley Cooper. Jessica Alba and Julia Roberts. I'm just sayin'. If you're thinking this is a Julia Roberts flick...think again. Valentines Day is paced well enough, but it just looks so separated, and disjointed.

There are some laughs though, Anne Hathaway can be very funny, and is here. And the surprising Taylor Swift was a "valley high school girl" is very funny in her really tiny role. The strength that Valentines Day can fall back on, is it's pacing and it's really great soundtrack, as it pulls many artists and genres together and really adds to the ambiance of the film. But even with a positive or two , it can't really be saved.

Valentines Day though will be very appealing to it's young audience who will delight in seeing many of their favorites gathered in one film, and that's OK. In all honesty, this is not real serious film making and sometimes that's OK too. Sometimes we need simply an escape to go to and just watch a mindless story play out in front of us for a couple hours. And that is Valentines Day.

Valentines Day. Good movie? No. Good for just some simple fun? Yes.

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