Saturday, May 8, 2010


Here we are back at it, Robert Downey Jr., and a big cast in Iron Man 2, new at the box office this weekend.

Tony Stark (Downey Jr.) the poster child for ADD, self indulgence of course is the real Iron Man. He is a defense contractor who has invented the Iron Man suit that in his words has "successfully privatized world peace." But of course the cat is out of the bag. The federal government wants the Iron man suit turned over to them. Other nations are trying to duplicate the suit. And there are rogue terrorists out not only to get Stark, but the technology the suit has to offer.

Vanko (Mickey Rourke) is one of them. Vanko is a really scary Russian genius whose family was banished to Siberia as a child, has an axe to grind. He sets out to one-up Iron Man, and kill Stark. Rourke is great in this role. A real sinister villain, with a great evil look and accent that sends chills up your spine. IM2 sets out to to develop a really great character that you can really fear, but unfortunately, IM2 seemingly abandons this about halfway through, and that really hurts this expensive sequel. Vanko is still there, he just has to wait his turn while we meet and learn about far less compelling characters.

Instead, IM2 introduces us to a bunch of new characters, and side plots that aren't necessarily bad, just not as good as a real sinister comic book type villain, we all love to hate. IM2 has a big cast. Gwenyth Paltrow is back as the lovely Pepper Potts. Also starring Samuel L. Jackson in a very small role that seems to be setting up more involvement in IM3 in a year or two. Scarlett Johanson as a federal agent with superhuman self defense skills, and Sam Rockwell as the rival defense contractor who hates Starks success.

IM2 is a very patient movie, and to be honest it may be more patient than you are watching it. This movie is going to viewed very differently by different audiences. They make you wait, and wait for the action sequences. Some are not going to be bothered by this. Others are. The payoff is adequate, not overdone or over the top. IM2 is filled with a lot of gadgetry and side plots that at times bog it down. One of the raps on the original Iron Man as not enough Iron man. But the makers here don't back down. Their formula remains the same. Wait.

For me, leaving Mickey Rourke on the sidelines after a really nice start bogged it down. IM2 would have had a much better comic book feel if the villain remained the main focus. Rourke is great and perfectly cast and is the movies real strength. Truth is tough, IM2 is fun and well paced, with special effects a plenty. Suitable for virtually anyone but does carry a PG-13 rating. Kids will love it, but may be a bit antsy during the long action sequence waits.

Iron Man 2. As far as a comic book movie is concerned, kudos to the fact that much of it lives in the real world and deals with relevant issues that would come up if this was reality. It is a busy movie. More than likely with too many irons in the fire and too many characters who need screen time. An opportunity missed too with a villain that could have been focused on deeper, and feared and hated a bit more.

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