Saturday, May 22, 2010

MOVIE REVIEW - Shrek (3-D)

New in theaters this weekend, the new Shrek. A continuation of the highly successful Shrek series that has entertained families for years now.

There's been regular Shrek, Shrek direct to video and now there's Shrek in 3-D. Always fun and always done as skillfully, that they all can be enjoyed by young and old alike. Successfully straddling the line between the generations, is the signature of the Shrek stories. And it's tough not to love the performances of Mike Myers, and especially Eddie Murphy as Shrek the Orge and Donkey. For Murphy especially it's been the best performance in his career over the past decade of so. He is just hilarious in this and the previous three.

Not to go into deep story lines here, because that's part of the fun of going as a family to the Shrek flicks. But the 3-D is just fantastic. And that's what makes going to this movie an event, and not just another Shrek flick. As this technology continues to be refined, if is simply amazing what is happening to you in the theater. Is is simply amazing.

You have to think that with the coming success of this movie, and the huge success of How To Train Your Dragon, if this 3-D route is going to be standard on virtually all animated movies in the coming years.

Shrek 3-D...wonderful family fun, yet again!

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