Friday, May 14, 2010

MOVIE REVIEW - Just Wright

Gotta be honest, it's been a while since we've had a good physical therapy movie so Just Wright is a welcome addition at the box office.

Alright all sarcasm aside, Queen Latifah, Common, tons of mid level stars and a boatload of NBA type cameo's star in this new attempt at a romantic comedy with a sports backdrop. What we end up getting is one big, complete mess. My gosh man, what was anyone thinking here?

In fairness, I really like Queen Latifah. She is always fun to watch, and is so totally likable. She plays Leslie Wright, a physical therapist who finds herself rehabbing a fictional New Jersey Nets NBA player Scott McKnight (Common). He is a star, and his career is in jeopardy after suffering a bad knee injury. She rehabs him and will they fall in love, and live happily ever after? That's the basic line here with Just Wright.

I was bored just writing that paragraph. JW is flat, slow, and just plain not good. Latifah is charming, witty and fun. She can do a lot with a little, and that's what they asked her to do - I think. As for the rest of this mess, there is enough bad writing bad dialogue and terrible acting to go around. There is awkward scene after awkward scene. Plus watching NBA players trying to act is just flat out hard. I do like the "common girl wins out angle." And Latifah was perfectly cast and easy to digest. But the rest. Sheesh! Barely 90 minutes, this just misses, and misses badly.

Just Wright. Just bad!

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