Tuesday, March 4, 2008

15,000 Years Of Dogs!

I was watching one of those really smart Sunday Morning shows last weekend, when I saw a story that stated a fact that I really found intriguing. 15,000 years it is thought that dog has been man's best friend. Now that's a relationship that's worth celebrating.

Somewhere 15,000 years ago, some guy and some dog crossed each other's path. Maybe they ran across each other in some field somewhere and sized each other up. After a few minutes, they decided to give friendship a try. Good move. I'm thinking they made a fire. Then decided that sharing a meal, was preferable to making one out of each other, and they were good to go! Realizing too, that there were other terrible things out there in the night like Wooley Mammoths, Sabre Tooth Tigers and the like, they decided that maybe they should take turns and keep an eye out all night for protection. One could sleep, one could watch. What a team!

Look I know this is all conjecture on my part but it could have happened. Makes a good story right? One thing that is true, I love dogs, and lucky for me they love me too. It doesn't make any difference how it happened just so it did. In the worlds history, I tried to find another permanent, positive association that has endured that long, and I couldn't find one. NOT ONE!

I think the main reason that man and dog have gotten along so swimmingly for eons, is that they get each other. When you're sad, they know it, When they're sad, you know it. Works the same for happy too! We both like to eat, go outside, play, and sleep on a comfy bed or couch. It's pretty basic stuff. No wonder we've been pals for 15,000 years.

Sad part though is that even though we live the same life seemingly, our pals don't live as long as we do. And that doesn't seem fair sometimes. We are left to go on without them and that can be tough too. But lucky for us we are usually fortunate enough to get another friend that can never replace the previous, but can remind us how lucky we are to have a friend as good as a dog.

I love dogs! Always will. You know dogs make a lot of things better. Their loyalty is unmatched, and friendship is without condition. They've earned our praise. If you own one be thankful, if you could be a great friend to one, adopt one. Please support your local shelter, I have and I've never once regretted it. There's probably a dog out there right now waiting for you to show up and be friends. How lucky for you!

Not sure if that's true? There's 15,000 years of history on your side!

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