Friday, March 14, 2008

Still Cheaper Than Fancy Coffee

I'm sure you are as cheesed off at the price of gasoline as I am. Then I reach for the cheese again, when I see no one on Capital Hill really upset about it. But that's another article for another time. The price seems to go up so fast at times and takes a long time to go back down. The days of the cheap fill-up are over.

But I always try to keep some sort of perspective in my life, so I went in search of the silver lining here. And I found something to bite into. Gasoline is still cheaper as of this writing than a fancy coffee from one of the those foo-foo coffee shops. A gallon of gas is about $3.40 or so, and 16 ounces of foo-foo coffee is 4 bones plus....even more sometimes.

I just flat out don't get that at all. Yea I know, it does taste good. No denying that. But I by-and-large am a coffee-cream guy. Milk is good, half and half, even powdery cream. All of the above is good with me, and what's the damage? Buck or so? Let's do the math, at roughly 4 bucks a fancy coffee, 2 cups to a quart, 4 quarts to a gallon, my calculator says that's $32.00 a gallon for the foo-foo joe! Are you kidding me???????? Have you ever seen a boarded up Starbucks? Me either. And although I've never tried it, gasoline has no carbs or calories either.

People are all up in arms about gasoline, and we should be, but who can afford $32.00 a gallon for coffee? Sometimes a few times a day. Then there's milk, about the same as gasoline. There seem to be plenty of cows running around, haven't heard of the much dreaded cow shortage have you?

And don't get me started on bottled water. You don't hear of many bottled water companies going spigots up to you? And don't we live next door to the largest body of fresh water on EARTH?? When did all this liquid get so expensive? Were our backs turned and they just slipped it by us? I'm guessing!

The price of gasoline really does cheese me off! But upon further review there is some perspective to be gained. The next time you fill-up, just be thankful the SUV doesn't run on Caffee-latte-half-pump with whipped cream and sprinkles.

1 comment:

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Scott: I would think we are talking about the difference between necessity and want. I can skip the want but have to purchase gasoline or work is out of the question. People will buy a lot less fancy coffee if they have to spend money on expensive gasoline.