Saturday, March 1, 2008

I Didn't Know They Cared

I'm sure that what's been going on at our house, has been going on at yours too. The phones been ringing off the hook day and night. Most of them from all of our brand new friends...and coincidentally, they are all running for office.

At our house it's just Stacy and me. Our phone rings a moderate amount of times a day with close family and friends, the occasional call from the office. We're on the national "do not call" list so we're seldom bothered by unwanted phone invaders. But this week? Sheesh!!!! I have never felt so loved in all my life.

In the past 7 days alone, I have received calls from Barack, Hillary, and John (they are all running for President you know) and countless others asking for me to vote for one of the 3 aforementioned. Now this will really impress you. I even got a call from...Dennis! When I answered the call, he even said.."Hi this is Dennis!" I almost dropped the phone. Actually I did, right back on the phone cradle.

I've got some advice for all of these guys, and I think I may speak for many here. Just a few small things.

Check the national do-not-call list - You're selling something on the phone! I'm on it for a reason. How about following a rule once in a while? Rules (n) "a prescribed guide for action or conduct" - Noah Webster.

Don't call me during dinner - If I'm on the fence about who I'm voting for pulling me away from a good meat loaf is a sure fire way to lose it quick. I don't know about you Hillary, but my mom and dad taught me, and I hope you taught Chelsea not to call anyone during dinner time. Get some manners for cryin' out loud. This is meat loaf here!!!!!!!!

Don't give me the long version - No one on earth really likes to listen to a loooooongggg message on the answering machine do they? Get it said and move on. If I'm not home, leave a number and I'll call you back Barack and we can talk it over in detail. Now THAT would be change. Real change.

Start talking when I answer - I grab the phone, I say hello.?...Hello??? Hello??? Silence....then a click..then I hear "Hi..this is John McCain...blah blah blah.....after like 5 seconds. What was he half listening?? Not a politician. And how about calling me by my name? Is that too much to ask? After all you called me.

And finally, how about calling me AFTER the election? - Maybe to see what I really think about things. To see how my family is doing, or here's a stretch, to say thank you for my vote, or for paying my taxes on time or for just being a good citizen. To be honest, THAT' S the call I leave the meat loaf for. That's the call most of us would be honored to get, but sadly it's the call that will never come. There's no benefit in that.....for them.

I'll vote this week and I encourage you to vote too. Be a part of the process, after all you've earned it by developing carpel-phonal syndrome this week. But until then, when Barack, John, Hillary, or even Dennis calls back, I will be a good citizen. I will look at the caller ID, and do what any honorable American should do, I will give my meat loaf my full and undivided attention.

1 comment:

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Scott: I really agree with you. How many of the candidates actually think you are listening to the message. Even if I'm wavering on who to vote for, this does them no good.