Monday, June 23, 2008

MOVIE REVIEW - The Love Guru

Mike Myers is a funny guy no doubt. He has done fun work in the past, but unfortunately not in the present. The Love Guru is tired, rehashed and unoriginal.

Myers did great work on Saturday Night Live years ago. As the voice of Shrek he was charming and endearing. We all chuckled at Wayne's World and accepted his humor in the Austin Powers trilogy as edgy and junior high at times but there was something about those flicks that was harmless and fun. The Love Guru is just more of the same. Trouble is, I think we're over it.

Myers plays the fictional Love Guru from India who is hired by the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team to help them win the Stanley Cup. One of their star players is having love life troubles and he's not playing the same. They bring in the Guru to get him straightened out and the Leafs can win the cup. Are you compelled yet? No me either. And this is as good as it gets.

The Love Guru is not without some fun moments. In all of Myers flicks there is the obligatory music videos and production numbers that come out of nowhere and they're here as well, and funny too. There are some sight gags that stand up well, that you can't help but smile or chuckle at. But the truth is that's not enough anymore. In the long run this is just Austin Powers in different costumes. Same old bathroom humor, lots of kicks in the groin, double meanings, and 8th grade-" I just heard my first dirty joke" dialogue. He even drags Vern Troyer along (Mini Me) from the Powers flicks and he's not funny either. How many "short" jokes can there be.

Jessica Alba also stars with a bunch of cameo appearances from Hollywood stars in this ill advised comedy that I fear is destined to be forgotten quick. Too many trips for water makes for a dry well, and this well is done dried up!

All really successful funny guys seem to be able to cross over to more adult roles well into their careers. Jim Carrey has done it, so has Steve Martin, Jackie Gleason even Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd have. It doesn't mean you can't still be funny, but Bill Murray isn't playing a Conehead anymore. Then here are those who won't do it ala Chevy Chase. He's not funny anymore either. Mike Myers is 45 years old now and maybe the same bit just isn't as funny as when he was 30. Hasn't Myers had enough gigantic paydays over the past 20 years? To keep beating this drum is just embarrassing, and last weekends box office take is proof positive.

It's not that the Love Guru isn't just not funny, you may feel ripped off because you've paid to go down this exact road before in other movies. The Love Guru. Not loving it. It's time for Mike Myers to reinvent himself into the new realm of his career. The really great ones do, and now it's his turn if he's that brave. Please grow up. We have.

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