Saturday, June 21, 2008

There Has To Be A Better Way

I went to the dentist this week. I am a four time a year guy, have been for many years. I go in and get cleaned up, and keep my teeth healthy. You may not go as much, but I go on my dentists recommendation. No matter where I have lived, that has been the advice. So I take it.

I feel that most feel that going to the dentist is not one of life's little pleasures. No offense to my dentist or yours, but it's not a day at the beach. And that brings me to my point. In today's world, don't you think there's got to be a better way? Man I do!

We had men walking on the moon almost 40 years ago but for some reason, we're still letting licensed pro's to scrape our teeth with sharp, metallic objects for minutes at a time. I call it the pick-ax. Same thing as the real tool. Metal, sharp designed to dig deep and grind out things that regular tools like your toothbrush can't get to. By the way, that's the exact thing a dentist tells you NOT to do. Why is that? If you do it at home is that bad for his business? I gotta admit, when he does it he can see in there a little better, but the premise would be the same. If you did it at home before you went in for your appointment, you could shave your time in the chair down considerably. Just a thought.

Also, the conversation thing totally cracks me up. Just as the dentist is sticking multiple sterile, sharp instruments in your mouth, you get questions like, "So how's the family" or " How about the Indians this year?" Is the answer expected right then and there, or after the initial picking? Or do they really expect an answer at all? The only worse timing is usually at a restaurant. Ever notice the waiter always seems to ask you how your food is, when you have the biggest mouthful of food imaginable? Do they time that up? Never fails.

Back to the dentist chair. After the picking, grinding, the lovely tasting paste on the spinning brush deal. By they way, do you have ANY idea what that stuff really is? Man me either, but you'd think in the 21st century they could do something about the texture and taste of that....stuff. It's a good thing that you can't see it before hand, because you would never put something with that texture in your mouth voluntarily. Then you get the fishing string floss, the obligatory "are you flossing" question, and we all know what the answer is.......c' honest what do you say? "Well...sometimes....once a week or so." Guess what, he doesn't believe you.

And those x-rays.... fun? The films tabs that go in your mouth? To me it feels more like a FedEx box. How big are those things? And to be honest, is there anything on earth you are SO glad to get out of your mouth than those things? I'm thinking not. And the most ironic part of all, you pay for all of this!

All joking aside, we need these pro's to keep our smiles bright, and our teeth healthy for a lifetime, it just seems that there should be a better way. Everything else in on earth has changed at breakneck speed, but here? Not so much. At the days end I always say thanks, and always sign up for my next appointment on the rack when I leave, and daily countdown begins....90, 89, 88........and so on.

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