Sunday, February 1, 2009

I'm Not Buyin' It!

Sitting in my home office today, Superbowl Sunday I'm looking out at a beautiful, sunny,winter day. Temperatures around yes...a thaw from winters icy grip. We're all crammed full of blissful glee, until we see the long term forecast for the next ten days or so. So today's a big tease.

This has been pretty tough winter so far, and we're just in first days of February. I don't know about you, but I've had enough. But those who claim they haven't had enough? The ones that make bold claims about how much they love winter? That's a lot of gas, I'm not buyin' it!

I have this theory. I'm good with snow, the cold and ice and white Christmases and the whole bit from Thanksgiving till New Years Day. Why not? It's nice, pretty, gives the whole holiday season a nice touch. Then on January 2? It can be 75 degrees again, because the winter is no longer adding to the ambiance. As a matter of fact it becomes a royal pain in the ambiance. Pristine snow turns to snirt (snow and dirt) and slush, (no translation required.) Lovely! You say you don't mind that? I'm not buyin' it!

Don't hand me this cra......crud about nice winter. How's the driving been treating you? Boy hasn't the shoveling been a joy? Okay maybe you're like me and you have a snow blower. That maniacal bliss of throwing one of mother natures elements several yards, wears off after about 30 days. How have those stalagtights hanging from your house been? Fallen yet? Battery cacked yet? Gas and electric bills ....a laugh a minute too huh?

All of the forementioned are just backing for my theory mentioned above. About 30 days of this stuff is all we really need. After that, it's just not fun anymore. We've been sledding, skiing, and strolled through the winter wonderland at the holidays. Now were just ticked! Even the most die hard skier has to run in from the slopes to sit in front of the fire in the lodge and drink a Toddie or two. If it's really so great out there, just finish off a great night at the slopes, pitch a tent an sleep outside with all the rest of your cold weather companions. The rest of us have bbq's to have, golf to play, and cars to wash in our shorts!

All kidding aside, In think we've paid our dues this winter, and we need a break. Now Monday that stinkin' rat, I mean cute little groundhog comes out of the ground and gives us the skinny. More winter or early spring. That's a bunch of hooey too. We trust a bunch of guys in tuxedos and stove pipe hats, who have been hitting the sauce since 5 am on a cold day in February in a town in Pennsylvania that has about 9 people in it to correctly interpret an uninterested rodents meteorological mentality. Are we nuts? I'm not buyin' it!

Someone better sober those clowns up and have a talk with that rat. We need an early spring!
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Anonymous said...

Sorry, but from where I am, winter has been absolutely "delightful."
(see you soon)

Mrs. "Z"

Cliff said...

Aw, c'mon now. If it weren't for the weather we had this past month, you wouldn't have gotten the mileage that you and Sue have out of the "kinky" shovel.

Also the reason the Browns couldn't have won the Super Bowl. We've had enough cold weather without somethong else freezing over.

Cliff said...

Okay, the "stinkin' rat" didn't give us any good news, unless we either ski, own ski resorts, or operate a snow plow. But I did buy a kinky shovel this past weekend, so I'm all set.

But my word verification is "herna" and I hope I don't suffer anything close to that shoveling snow.