Friday, February 13, 2009

MOVIE REVIEW - Friday The 13th

Here we go again! Jason is back at it, and the slashing is back in the new Friday The 13th new in theaters this week.

This is movie number twelve in this series and it attempts to introduce the whole concept to a new and younger generation of movie goers. It borrows some of the history from the first four movies, and then whips it up with a new, contemporary look. This may shock you, but in many ways, it still looks like the old movies. But, and this is important... there are some HUGE differences.

This is squarely targeted at young movie goers, teens and after teens. It is rated R, and deservedly so. The teen characters in this movie look and act nothing like the teens of movies past. The teens in the originals had their problems and reflected the era at the time. Let's hope that that's not true here. These teens here are rich, bratty kids, who have no respect for any one's property, or belongings. They spend every waking hour looking for drugs, or doing drugs, or hoping to start trafficking drugs. They are angry by nature, they can't say a sentence that's not laced with awful language, and they don't respect each other, themselves, or anyone else. They spend a life's savings on drugs, and drug paraphernalia, booze, and porn.

They drink non-stop all while smoking pot non-stop, drive Escalades, trash their parents million dollar beach house, have sex with whoever is available, and video tape themselves doing that, and every other thing you can imagine. They are so unlikeable you may actually have some empathy for Jason. The reason I bring this up is this. It's no secret that minors sneak into R rated movies all the time. I did see hastily made signs at the theater today stating that they will be patrolling the theaters and minors will not be tolerated in R rated movies. I think it's in relation to this movie. All of the mentioned behavior is completely glorified to the hilt, and you may not be keen on your kids witnessing this presented in this manner on screen. If you're fine with it, disregard the above.

To it's credit, there are some "jolty" moments, and there is a sense of suspense at times. There is also a feeble attempt at the "beauty and the beast" formula, that fails miserably. And the ending you'll see coming a mile away. But if it's slashing and blood you want, then Friday The 13th is the pick of the weekend for you. I don't mind a good slasher movie at all, I grew up with them too, but there is nothing new here at all in the slasher realm.

Friday The 13th. It's just what you remember at times. But was really scary here had nothing to do with the shash-er. The real scary part for me were the shash-ees!

Check out all of my currnet movie review now

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