Friday, March 6, 2009

Movie Review - Watchmen

The much anticipated Watchmen hits theaters this weekend, and it feels more like a summer blockbuster than a simple March movie. I know we're changing the clocks this weekend but it' still winter, adn Watchmen is trying to make us feel like it's July at the movies.

Based on the wildly popular graphic novel, Watchmen is 2 hours and 43 minutes of comic book come to life. It's a story so complicated that it's not really feasible to go into it here, but in a nutshell - here goes. There are 6 "Watchmen Superheroes." All with a different skill set, and belief system. They were a government project designed to be a wild card in the arms race with the Soviets in the 1960's and 70's. The Feds then abandon the project years later, but the Watchmen still exist, just not officially sanctioned.

Set in 1985, the world is on the brink of nuclear war with the Russians, and the Watchmen are being eliminated by someone. Who and Why? We'll there's your movie. Who's watching the Watchmen?

Watchmen is a very good story that gets bogged down in itself a few times here. There are too many characters, and too much to keep track of. It is very violent, with real blood and gore, as you might suspect...and there is a lot of it. Visually good, but not mind blowing by any regard. Watchmen also has a very interesting soundtrack that is squarely geared at people raised in the 1960's and 70's. Interesting too, a young audience will not understand much of what is going on, as it is based on real events at times, with real historical side characters from the 1960's though the mid 80's. That aspect will leave young viewers in it's wake.

The real star of Watchmen is the character Rorschach played by Jackie Earle Haley. He is the Watchmen with the white mask, trench coat and fedora hat that looks like a private eye from Mickey Spillane. He narrates much of the movie in P.I. style, and is the runaway performance of this movie. Rorschach is by far the best developed character and the movies salvation. Without him, it's a bust. When he's on screen, Watchmen is a better movie. When he's absent, it becomes a bit phony and off track. He's the glue.

Is Watchmen great? No, it does have troubles mainly the length. But for comic book fans, it could be a great night a the movies. If cience fiction and comic books don't interest you, steer clear of Watchmen. This is not Spiderman with side humor and a sexual tension love story intertwined. There is an attempt at it, but it becomes cumbersome and doesn't work. Word too, this is a real "guys" movie. Not very female friendly in any way shape or form.

Watchmen. Not a home run, not a foul ball either. More like a single to left field, from a 3 hour at-bat.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved they way they bridged different generations throughout the movie, both with props (like the floppy discs) and with music