Sunday, September 27, 2009

MOVIE REVIEW - Surrogates

Bruce Willis has a new movie out this week, Surrogates. Don't may just miss it! Surrogates is another strange Willis Sc-Fi flick, and maybe the strangest thing of all is it in only 80 minutes. I've seen infomercials longer than this movie. And 80 minutes s being generous. That's from beginning to credit roll at the end.

Surrogates is the fictional story of a new technology that is out. You can buy a beautifully crafted robot that looks totally human to go out in the world and be "you." You control the robot from you home with a headset. You are safe at home while your "Surrogate" goes out into the world and takes all the risks. As a result, crime has virtually disappeared including murder. They have totally takes over society, and everyone human pretty much sits around at home all day in pajamas, and plays "Surrogate" from their comfy chairs, wearing their headsets.

But alas, there is a threat to the Surrogate way of life. There is a new weapon out that can fry the robots, and also the human on the other end running it. This is big trouble as the whole idea of surrogacy is the safety of the humans. Ho-hum! I personally don't care about the humans in this flick. If you spend your life in a chair, playing video games in real life and running this robot so you don't have to go out in the world, I could care less what happens to you, you lazy so-n-so.

And that's just one of the problems here. You just don't care. Not good, not exciting, not suspenseful. It never really gets going. and then it just ...ends. This whole story could have been a single episode of Star Trek or something. There's just not enough here for a movie. They attempt to make it a real story by showing you the ramifications of robots in the world, and the human element. There is an attempt at depth and relevance. But it fails.

Surrogates......a big bag of nothing.

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