Sunday, March 7, 2010

Movie Of The Month - February

It's time now to announce the Movie Of The Month, both to the good and the not so good. To qualify the movie must be released to theaters in the Akron area during said month. Last month (January) the best movie I selected was Crazy Heart and the award winning performance of Jeff Bridges. And on the other end was the ridiculous, When In Rome.

In addition, I'll give you an honorable mention to go with each. February was tough not a lot to choose from, so here goes.

The February Movie Of The Month - Best.

Shutter Island - To be honest, I didn't review this movie all that well, and still think it has
multiple problems including it's length which is waaaay tooo long. But it's
slim pickins this month. It's success cannot be denied. Reluctantly is chosen

Honorable Mention - Best

Dear John - The Nicolas Sparks movie that this time was relevant to our world today. Told
well and honestly. It catered directly to it's audience. It's strength? It has a
reason to be told.

February Movie Of The Month - Worst

From Paris With Love - The really insulting John Travolta Flick has more gratuitous violence
than one can imagine. The only decide to tell a story about halfway
though this move. Fails terribly.

Honorable Mention - Worst

The Wolfman - Great cast, great costumes, great sets. Really lame flick. Started out with a
bang, then died out. 150 million budget to make? Please!

Check in next month for more Movies Of The Month!

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