Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dude! It's Good To Be Young!

You may heard about a survey recently that was given to young people that asked them about various things in all of our lives. It was given to the class of 2014. It asked them about their views on things, and how their views on issues compared to those older. Oh oh, time to leap over the generation gap. 75 questions, and to be honest some of it was a bit concerning, there were some things that stood out, and are worth embracing.

These are just some of the 75 things they were asked about. And this is how they see things. And to be fair, some things in this world will always be better the way they were, but some are not. Let's see what some of what they said.

"Phones have never had chords" - This is a good thing. Chords on phones have always been a pain in the can. Always twisting up, getting really dirty, especially on the under side. Once really tangled, never really successfully untangled. Just a mess. No one boo hoo'd when the chord was shown the door.

"E- mail is just too slow" - Remember when we were all beside ourselves with e-mail? Now with texting, it's just ho-hum. Still a nice tool, but so is a level. Good to have, but you don't use it for every job.

"Few can really write cursive" - Yea me either, and that's a good thing too. Go ahead and try to read most people's cursive writing. OK, there are some that are blessed with the gift of fabulous flowing cursive, but it's rare. And who writes anything longhand anyway anymore?

"No one likes snail mail" - Think about it. Most of the mail that comes to the house is junk anyway that you never look at. Or a bill. Good again. But they will never know the thrill of getting that special letter or card with the wispy hint of a girlfriends perfume. With that being said, most regular mail stinks.

"Never owned a wristwatch" - I've tried and tried in my adult life to wear a watch. I just can't do it. So many clocks all over the place, and it's just something else I have to remember to put on and not lose. This is good again.

"Beethoven is only a dog" - You mean there's another Beethoven? (Kidding)

"And toothpaste tubes have always stood on their caps" - How on earth did it take 100 years for someone to finally figure this one out? One of the best oral hygiene ideas of all time! Never liked the roll-up thing. We put up with those monkey-shines for way too long.

These are just some of the questions asked and of course there were some eye rollers that will certainly maintain the generation gap for many more generations to come. I heard many people saying who old it made them feel, and I couldn't disagree more. After reading it, I didn't feel old at all. What the heck is wrong with new things anyway? OK, not all new things new are great, I mean I could live without the Twilight series, and a good amount of reality TV. BUT....

But over all this list made me feel young, and that's the key to being young. Dude, it's good to be young.

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