Saturday, August 21, 2010


Jennifer Aniston is back in the new, thoroughly 21st century romantic comedy, The Switch.

Aniston stars along with Jason Bateman in the story of a women, in her late 30's who decides to have a baby with "a donor" instead of a husband or partner. Kassie (Aniston) and Wally (Bateman) are former lovers and now longtime friends. Kassie decides that Wally will not be the donor, and decides on a "better" pedigree instead.

Then at the "insemination party" Wally decides to switch the donors sperm with him own, without anyone's knowledge. Flash forward 7 years, and her son Sebastian is his son, and not the donors. Will Wally tell Kassie of the switch? How will it go over? And of course will they, or can they possibly live happily ever after? That is The Switch.

The Switch starts off with some real snappy dialogue and some really funny scenes, as they establish the characters. There is some brilliant writing, and much of the early part of The Switch is really fun. As the movie goes along, there is a slow drag on this middle that really lingers on for a while and it loses a bunch of momentum. Then there's a rebound a the end, that sort of saves the day. This is a good example of how hard it is to make a really good romantic comedy, where the characters and performances can keep our attention for a full 100 minutes. Funny too, this movie has a very sudden end, that may leave some scratching their heads. It was almost like, "OK, this is long enough, let's just end here."

Aniston is always likable, Bateman is fun, and perfectly cast as the goofy Wally. Should be noted though, Juliette Lewis and the typical "goofy friend of the main woman character" in romantic comedies, is absolutely awful. My gosh, I'm not sure the role could have been written or acted any worse. But with that aside, The Switch does have its moments.

The Switch. Aniston fans will like this before they walk in. As for the rest of us, there is no real reason to go to this one right away, a rental in 90 days would be sufficient. Average at best.

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