Monday, January 17, 2011

MOVIE REVIEW - Blue Valentine

Blue Valentine is in limited release, and is in some local theaters this weekend.

There is a whole lot of critical buzz about Blue Valentine, and that combined with limited release can set off a few alarms with some movie goers. BV is a very real, very powerful movie that attacks many hard to watch issues head on. And right up front is not for the casual movie goer. BV in short, is the story of a young married, very blue collar young couple with a little girl. Their marriage is on the rocks, as they have grown apart over the years. He is a hard drinking commercial painter. She is a nurse, who seems to be the only relatively mature person in the family.

It's the story of love gone wrong, and losing the keys to each other that can, and does happen to many couples. They head off on a getaway weekend to a cheesy hotel for a weekend of lovemaking in hopes of rekindling their relationship. At least he does. She is done, and wants no part of any sex or lovemaking, and he has no clue about women. The ill-fated weekend comes to an quick end, as she is called into work. It all works up to them deciding if they want to stay together or not. This is hard, potentially depressing movie making, that looks very honestly at love going wrong.

The movie is told in flashback form too as they weave in and out of today, and yesterday at the beginning of their dating. To a better time, and when they found the keys to unlock each others hearts. It shows how much in love they once were, and then how far they have fallen. Very emotional and powerful stuff, hard to watch sometimes. There are some genius moments in this movie. A scene from their dating, when he plays the ukulele and sings with "You Always Hurt The One You Love" (poorly I might add) while she dances for him equally as poorly in a storefront in the city, is absolute magic. You can feel the love, the whole range of emotions of early dating. It is one of the best movie scenes of the year. This moment and few others are fantastic.

This movie stars Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams, and they basically are the only real characters. BV is harsh at times, violent at times, and there is a ton of nudity, and very uncomfortable sex scenes throughout. This is not a beautiful love story, but one that is about love on the way out. This move is not for everyone. This is a rated R movie and it is every bit of it. This is deep, emotive movie making that will not register with many. But if you're willing to go to down the road with them, it is a very powerful experience. BV is not the reason many go to the movies, but if you are a real movie fan, this might be for you.

Blue Valentine. Limited appeal, and limited audience. But for what it is, very well done.

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